地點:East River 西岸的South Street Pier
South Street Pier 坐落Brooklyn Bridge 旁邊,對岸是布碌倫的風景。
1955 年4月28 日,Truman Capote 和瑪麗蓮夢露在一間中國餐館喝香檳。酒後,夢露吩咐的士司機開車到碼頭,她說在餐館拿了些 fortune cookie ,準備去餵海鷗。
談笑之中,Capote 察覺到,夢露已是身心俱疲。他歎息“why did everything have to turn out the way it did? Why does life have to be so fucking rotten?”
夢露問Capote,如果別人問,真正的Marilyn Monroe 是怎樣的,他會怎樣回答?Capote 說:“I’d say you are a beautiful child.”
地點:東71街169號,Upper East Side 一間不起眼的小屋。
二樓,是Holly Golightly 那個家徒四壁,卻容得下數十人派對的apartment 。屋後,據說是一道住客能上落自如,自出自入的防火梯。
幸運的話,或許會見到Holly 坐在樓梯,手拿結他,輕輕哼著“ Moon River, wider than a mile…”
Holly 最愛的第五大道Tiffany 旗艦店。不過,沒問店員有沒有“sterling silver telephone dialer“出售。
在《Catcher in the Rye》裡,主角Holden 最感困擾的,是冬天時,這池塘裡的鴨子究竟去了那裡。
池塘側的溜冰場。Holden 曾在這裡找尋妹妹Phoebe 的蹤影。在中央公園這一角和Phoebe 渡過的時光,是少年憤怒心中,對這城市唯一的快樂回憶。
地點:Chelsea 區西23 街的Hotel Chelsea
《Chelsea Burns》歌中,Keren Ann 是這樣唱的:“Twenty-third was empty / I heard somebody yell / A straight-laced passerby / Pulled over the hotel / And Chelsea burns, Chelsea burns, under my feet”
這天,Chelsea 沒有火災,二十三街也不empty 。
原來Hotel Chelsea 是大有來頭的,Arthur C. Clark ,Arthur Miller 都是住客。Clarke 的《2001:Space Odyssey》 ,是在這酒店裡寫的。
地點:長島Great Neck 火車站。
本來想到長島末端的Montauk ,看看那裡的沙灘是否真如《Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind 》中那麼雪白。可是長島名不虛傳,真的很長,由紐約到Montauk 要三小時車程。
退而求次,只好到近一點的Great Neck 。為甚麼?因為這兒是《The Great Gatsby》故事中的West Egg 也。
Gateway Drive 6 號,曾經是F. Scott Fitzgerald 的居所。
West Egg 和East Egg 間的Manhassat Bay 。Gatsby 便是在這邊,每晚遠眺彼岸心儀的Daisy。
多謝你嘅介紹, 你講呢啲景點我都無去過, 非常有特色! 好掛住NYC呀!
ReplyDeletemad dog:哈哈,梗係有特色啦,因為那些根本就不是景點!
ReplyDeleteI wished I have covered as many meaningful places as you had when I lived in NYC. Unfortunately when I lived there I was a 21 year old fresh graduate on scholarship trying to prove my worth in an MBA programme filled with go-getting i-bankers in their thirties and forties, and didn't have much time to appreciate the city from a literary or cinematic dimension... The closest I get to doing what you did was to take the sky-tram in uptown Manhattan, as that appeared in the background of one of the scenes in the Hong Kong classic "An Autumn's Tale" (and I was only able to do that because I was brought there by a really lovely friend who absolutely adores that movie)...
ReplyDeleteGlad to see you are also a Breakfast in Tiffany and Eternal Sunshine fan though... and I promise myself I would trace the footsteps of Jesse and Celine in a similar manner to yours the next time I'm in Paris!
snowdrops: 因為很多旅遊點都去過,又難得一個人旅行,便找些想看的怪地方一遊.NYC交通方便,一天可以去佷多地方.
ReplyDeleteBefore Sunrise之旅...這個idea不錯,有機會到Paris的話,一定要試一試.最近的一套電影”Once”(相信你已看了),把Dublin拍很頗美,也令人想去看一看.