或許,這是現代大城市的共同風景。早上八時半撲克面孔川流不息的Penn Station,和新宿,和中環,完全沒有兩樣。
紐約是美國的藝術文化中樞,The Met ,MOMA是一流的藝術館;其餘五花八門的博物館和展覽場所,更是多不勝數。濃厚的文化氣息,沖淡了不少商業社會的俗氣。
另一點令我訝異的,是紐約的歷史。它不是歷史名城,急速發展也不過是近百多年的事,但大街小巷裡,卻到處是掌故。由世紀初猶太人聚居的下城區貧民窟,到世貿旁邊St. Paul’s教堂裡那棵倒下了的無花果樹,都說明了百多年來,這城市一直是世界的中心,見盡了興興衰衰的故事。
紐約的國際化,可不是數條窄巷裡的幾間酒吧。它是個真真正正的大熔爐,是千萬不同種族的人一起生活的地方。我覺得,紐約市民甚至不是美國人,而是自成一國的New Yorkers。
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ReplyDeleteI did live in NYC for a year... and couldn't stand it, but perhaps that had more to do with culture shock than anything else (my German roommate and I couldn't understand why there were 50 varieties of butter in the local supermarket, all of them with artificial ingredients! Or why people would choose to buy those humongous but absolutely disgusting "fat-free" muffins, or why it's so hard to get a decent cup of tea... And don't get me started on the dirty and rat-invested subway system...)
ReplyDeleteI absolutely loved the Met and the MOMA though, and Broadway musicals, and Chinatown (Ireland doesn't have a Chinatown you see), and Dean and Deluca (where we could get real butter, albeit at over-inflated prices), and the sushi-as-lunch lifestyle, as well as the beautiful "Winter Garden" - which was located near the WTC, now part of the Ground Zero site...
snowdrops: Indeed, your complaints against NYC seem more like an overall dissatisfaction of ways of life in US. As for the subway, I did find the sleaziness inexplicably attractive, hehe.
ReplyDeleteI totally understand the difference between "living there" and "visiting there". What NYC appeals me the most is the sense of diversity in its atmosphere. It's very different from other places in US and Canada. However, if I am to spend a year living there, I would desperately want to come back and embrace the rain here in Seattle!
在紐約住一年, 也不過就是一各過客... ~_~
ReplyDelete因為你知道 時間一到 就離開, 心態上永遠如 T.S 上的遊客般的走馬看花
這是一各很特別的地方, 剛開始身在其中時, 你不喜歡它, 等你真正習慣後, 你會融入它, 有一天, 當你真的完完全全的離開了... 你會想念它
不論你來自世界各地,有著什麼樣的背景,文化,生活習慣,宗教信仰;到最後,你都能找到屬於你自己的角落... in NYC