J 和 J 兩姊妹,香港出生,自小便移民到了加拿大居住。二人年齡僅相距一年半,從小到大,都是一起上學,一起玩樂,有如一對兩生兒。不過,姊妹二人性格卻不盡相同;姊姊比較內斂,妹妹比較隨和。
這星期,大學暑假開始,J 和 J 到了洛杉磯探望表姐。我也趁機到LA和她們玩了數天,還一起駕車到拉斯維加斯逛酒店,吃東西,看表演。(順帶一提,Bellagio 的“O Show”精采絕倫,不可不看。)
二人和「中華文化」的全部連繫,就是港台的連續劇,和 Edison 的新聞。除此之外,無論是性格,喜好,和說話的神態,都和地道的外國人沒有兩樣。
由於班機不同,在 LAX 機場下車後,即和兩姊妹分道揚鑣,各自登機。
hello ,,,my name is chessa, a girl from HK,,this is my first time reading your blog
ReplyDeleteas i have something to ask you so i have sent you an email
if you have time,,,please check it out,,,many thanks!!!
ReplyDeleteI think it's probably impossible for HKers themselves to try speaking Cantonese without including any English words at all, and for those who are born and bred overseas, being able to allow 20% Chinese in their conversations is already a feat in itself.
My little sister was born in Ireland, and with my parents it's a mixture of Chinese and English (say 70:30), and with me it's more like 50:50. However, she does really well when it comes to Chinese writing and comprehension, and consistently gets 100% in her dictation tests in Chinese school. I'm most proud though of the fact that she herself asked to learn traditional Chinese while the rest of her classmates stick to simplified Chinese (so in effect she's learning both at the same time and still getting As).
I just hope that her interest in Chinese won't wane and that she's not feeling under pressure to perform because of our family expectations... It's nice to enjoy the language for its mind-broadening possibilities rather than because it's another skill to show off on a CV.
Anyway, it's great to read that you have such great relationships with your nieces. I haven't seen mine for years and I wonder if they'd still recognise me now...
Oops, shall I say cousins rather than nieces!
ReplyDeleteit's after reading your blog that makes want to having a blog my own,a platfrom express and recrod what you seen what you feel,like something refine extract from typical or turbulent life,and that is why something named blog was created and good about.
ReplyDeletein your blog,you speak your words in natural way,it's seldomly a blog like this makes me continue reading
ReplyDeletesnowdrops:it's great that your little sister does so well in Chinese school. My cousins did learn Chinese when they were younger, but now they can't comprehend anything longer than two sentences! I think it really depends on family influence.
You are absolutely right that bilingualism is more than a mere qualification. It opens up wonderous opportunities otherwise unreachable.
ReplyDeletei'm a HK guy studing uni in australia..my little coulsin (14 in fact) just went to NZ
yr blog made me soooooo touching.
lovin it.
stan:AU 和 NZ 接近,你可以去探望他/她呀。
ReplyDeletemad dog:哈哈,溫馨?我唔係好覺喎!