There is a tradition in public service of resigning in a last-ditch effort to head off a serious mistake. Some will view the mistake you are committing here in the light of their generally negative views of the new Administration. I do not share those views. I can even understand how a Chief Executive whose background is in business and politics might see the contemplated dismissal-with-leverage as a good, if distasteful, deal. But any assistant U.S. attorney would know that our laws and traditions do not allow using the prosecutorial power to influence other citizens, much less elected officials, in this way. If no lawyer within earshot of the President is willing to give him that advice, then I expect you will eventually find someone who is enough of a fool, or enough of a coward, to file your motion. But it was never going to be me.
(紐約市長 Eric Adams 被控貪污,司法部涉嫌以撤銷控罪為條件,來換取紐約市合作遞解非法移民。多名檢察官違抗這明目張膽貪污的命令,相繼辭職。這是檢察官 Hagan Scotten 辭職信的最後一段。)
( ChatGPT 翻譯,稍作修改。)
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