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Elle Decor...琳瑯滿目,而且好像愈出愈多.
聽過人說,這些sell夢幻家居的雜誌其實是”house porn”.真是一針見血.因為,和色情雜誌一樣,它們賣的是人類的原始慾望,是人人渴望的完美型象.
明媚陽光穿過落地玻璃窗照在精雅的象牙白梳化上;一塵不染得捨不得用來煮食的Designer kitchen;永遠窗明几淨,永遠看不見鎖匙掃把和電費單.
paul arden once said (whatever you think think the opposite): a dream house is something we can't afford. so either do something to make it happen, or be satisfied with the reality... (something like this, forget the exact quote)...
ReplyDeleteI am sure Arden would say "It's not the house you live, it's the house you want to live in." :)
ReplyDeleteyes, dream house is always something we desire but can't afford, otherwise it's not a dream.
ok, got the quote:
ReplyDelete"You can't afford the house of your dream, that's why it is your dream house. So either find a way of getting it (you'll find the means), or be satified with this dissatification." Paul Arden