Saturday, August 29, 2009
在發逹國家中,美國是唯一沒有全民保健的一員。如此富裕的社會,如此先進的科技, 仍有數千萬人民得不到基本的保障,還有更多的人為家人健康和保險公司角力。這明明就是國家的恥辱,卻有國民為了維護這「美國資本主義特色」的制度,堅決反對改革。
(這是共和黨參議員 Tom Coburn 和一名丈夫患重病的婦人的對話)
婦人已是走投無路,聲淚俱下;參議員給她的答案,居然是「找你的鄰居」(旁觀者還報以熱烈的掌聲)。「Government is not the solution」是被共和黨人重複了千遍萬遍的列根金句。但請問參議員先生,若政府不是答案,那你叫她聯絡你的辦公室幹嗎?你就是政府啊!
幸好,除了 Fox News 外,大部份的新聞評述,仍然是理性的。這是 Bill Moyer 前天受訪的片段:
We're all in the same boat。若果,Moyer 這番話的真誠和情操,仍然不能打動參議員先生和那群鼓掌的觀眾的話;那麼,正如議員 Barney Frank 所言,和他們對話,就像和餐桌爭辯一樣沒趣。算了吧。
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
High-Fructose Corn Syrup
可是,雖不怕代糖 aspartame 可能是致癌物,但減肥汽水淡而無味,似甜非甜的味道,喝了多年,還是未能完全接受。 Coke Zero,Pepsi One,都是一樣的讓人嘴裡淡出鳥來。
數年前,可口可樂出品一半糖份的 C2,一度是我的寵兒,可惜不到一年便停產了。因此,一直在留心飲品的標籤,希望找到好喝又低卡的汽水品牌。
最近,在搜尋過程中,發現了一個被忽略的名詞:High-Fructose Corn Syrup(高果糖玉米糖漿)。
美國對蔗糖徵收高關稅,和政府大量資助國內玉米農戶,令玉米製成的 HFCS,遠比入口的蔗糖便宜。加上液態糖漿處理比固態食糖方便,因此在美國,幾乎所有甜的飲品,都含有 HFCS。
HFCS 對人體有沒有害?現在好像還沒有共識。七、八十年代 HFCS 興起,和美國人暴肥,似有間接聯繫;但亦可能只是美國人飲食生活習慣改變,和 HFCS 無關。有研究指果糖壓抑胰島素,引致糖尿病;可是,HFCS 的果糖成份只比蔗糖略高,未能作準。也有人說,便宜的 HFCS 充斥市面,令美國人無甜不歡;但也有人說,吃不吃甜是消費者的選擇,是 HFCS 還是傳統蔗糖,結果都是一樣。
不是健康食品的追隨者,HFCS 與否,本來和我沒甚麼關係。令我感興趣的,是這系列由 Corn Refiners Association(玉米提煉協會)製作的支持 HFCS 的廣告:
廣告裡那種嘲笑反 HFCS 人士的態度,和「講啲唔講啲」,只說出一半事實的口吻("fine in moderation”?正是「邊個唔知阿媽係女人」),實在太過「此地無銀三百両」。
本來持中立態度的我,看過廣告後,只覺 HFCS 真的有點不妥,更加敬而遠之。
如此惹人反感的宣傳,自然引來不少人的惡搞。這個以香煙比喻 HFCS 的 parody,拍得最為精彩:
HFCS 成為眾矢之的,有生產商看準時機,開始推出標榜蔗糖的汽水。百事推出了不含 HFCS 的 Throwback 系列後,又在試驗「全天然」(有可能嗎?)的 Pepsi Natural。這場 HFCS 之戰,看來才剛開始。
這款「成年人汽水」,卡路里是普通汽水的三份二,味道不太甜,5% 果汁成份,不含 HFCS,是試過的品牌中,最附合要求的一款。
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
最後,大汗淋漓下,把整支冰凍的 Gatorade 灌入喉嚨;那快感,簡直可媲美性高潮。
Friday, August 14, 2009
My Random Health Care Rants
Once again, we are witnessing an important national dialogue devolves into partisan fistfight. The more I read, the sadder I get. Angry too, but mostly sad.
Why the hell are we even talking about this “Death Panel” nonsense? Sarah Palin made something up out of thin air (on Facebook, for Christ’s sake), and everyone went organismic! Who in their right mind believe that the United States government is conspiring to kill your ailing grandparents?
The sad part is, almost every US citizen over 65 enrolls in Medicare, exactly the same kind of single-payer government-run health plan that they are being told to be scared of.
However, this is the “keep your government hands off my Medicare” crowd. Fear is paramount, and facts are relegated to mere annoyances.
It is the same fear-mongering, “slippery-slope” tactic we have seen in all left vs right bickering. Let the gays marry, and we will become a nation of incestuous sodomites. Kill Saddam or the “smoking gun” will be a “mushroom cloud”. So, you better watch out, because deadly bureaucrats are coming to “pull the plug on grandma”!
Look at this woman who confronted Senator Spector in his town hall meeting:
Founding fathers! The Constitution! You have awakened the sleeping giant! Such righteous, eloquent indignation! But when probed by the interviewer later, it became clear that she had no clue what she was talking about. Will Obama’s plan raise your tax? “I don't even know.” Do you want to repeal Medicare? ”I hate to have words put in my mouth.”
“I don't believe this is just about health care. It's not about TARP. It's not about left and right. This is about the systematic dismantling of this country.” Translation: it doesn’t matter it’s good for me. It doesn’t matter it’s good for the country. I just don’t like what you are doing because I don’t like you. I’d rather rot in my anarchic jungle than live in your socialist paradise.
Notice a trend? Yes, “socialist” is the new code word. Liberal is so 2008.
It’s sad to hear so many people re-cycling anecdotal horror stories from supposedly single-payer dystopias like......UK and Canada. I went to hospital in Canada (twice), and have nothing but praise for the quality of its care. But my testimonial is not important. What’s important is that Canadians don’t worry about their health premium going up, don’t worry about being dumped by the insurance company, and don’t worry about going bankrupt if they get sick. Granted, tax is higher in Canada, but health insurance isn’t exactly cheap in US either.
Then, of course, none of these matters, because single-payer is Satan in disguise. And, by the way, had he lived in UK, Stephen Hawking wouldn’t stand a chance in the eugenic NHS hellhole. Or so they imagine.
It’s sad to see people act out of primal instinct against their own interest. It’s sad to see uninformed citizens blindsided by media demagogue.
Health care reform is a wonky subject. We should be asking questions like “can I keep my high-deductible plan and tax-free HSA”, “what protection I will have if I get fired and my COBRA runs out”, or ”will there be enough doctors to take care of the 40 million newly-insured”. Instead, we got “Death Panel” ,“Russia”, “I am the mob”. Pathetic.
The Obama administration has done a superbly poor job in explaining the details to the public. Some say he’s too hell-bent to maintain an appearance of bi-partisanship. Some say he still hasn’t made up his mind on what to push for. Is the President floundering? I don’t know, but I wish him the best of luck. He needs it. We all need it.
Why the hell are we even talking about this “Death Panel” nonsense? Sarah Palin made something up out of thin air (on Facebook, for Christ’s sake), and everyone went organismic! Who in their right mind believe that the United States government is conspiring to kill your ailing grandparents?
The sad part is, almost every US citizen over 65 enrolls in Medicare, exactly the same kind of single-payer government-run health plan that they are being told to be scared of.
However, this is the “keep your government hands off my Medicare” crowd. Fear is paramount, and facts are relegated to mere annoyances.
It is the same fear-mongering, “slippery-slope” tactic we have seen in all left vs right bickering. Let the gays marry, and we will become a nation of incestuous sodomites. Kill Saddam or the “smoking gun” will be a “mushroom cloud”. So, you better watch out, because deadly bureaucrats are coming to “pull the plug on grandma”!
Look at this woman who confronted Senator Spector in his town hall meeting:
ABRAM: I don't believe this is just about health care. It's not about TARP. It's not about left and right. This is about the systematic dismantling of this country. I'm only 35 years old. I've never been interested in politics. You have awakened the sleeping giant. We are tired of this. This is why everybody in this room is so ticked off! I don't want this country turning into Russia, turning into a socialized country. My question for you is...
ABRAM: What are you going to do to restore this country back to what our founders created according to the Constitution?
Founding fathers! The Constitution! You have awakened the sleeping giant! Such righteous, eloquent indignation! But when probed by the interviewer later, it became clear that she had no clue what she was talking about. Will Obama’s plan raise your tax? “I don't even know.” Do you want to repeal Medicare? ”I hate to have words put in my mouth.”
“I don't believe this is just about health care. It's not about TARP. It's not about left and right. This is about the systematic dismantling of this country.” Translation: it doesn’t matter it’s good for me. It doesn’t matter it’s good for the country. I just don’t like what you are doing because I don’t like you. I’d rather rot in my anarchic jungle than live in your socialist paradise.
Notice a trend? Yes, “socialist” is the new code word. Liberal is so 2008.
It’s sad to hear so many people re-cycling anecdotal horror stories from supposedly single-payer dystopias like......UK and Canada. I went to hospital in Canada (twice), and have nothing but praise for the quality of its care. But my testimonial is not important. What’s important is that Canadians don’t worry about their health premium going up, don’t worry about being dumped by the insurance company, and don’t worry about going bankrupt if they get sick. Granted, tax is higher in Canada, but health insurance isn’t exactly cheap in US either.
Then, of course, none of these matters, because single-payer is Satan in disguise. And, by the way, had he lived in UK, Stephen Hawking wouldn’t stand a chance in the eugenic NHS hellhole. Or so they imagine.
It’s sad to see people act out of primal instinct against their own interest. It’s sad to see uninformed citizens blindsided by media demagogue.
Health care reform is a wonky subject. We should be asking questions like “can I keep my high-deductible plan and tax-free HSA”, “what protection I will have if I get fired and my COBRA runs out”, or ”will there be enough doctors to take care of the 40 million newly-insured”. Instead, we got “Death Panel” ,“Russia”, “I am the mob”. Pathetic.
The Obama administration has done a superbly poor job in explaining the details to the public. Some say he’s too hell-bent to maintain an appearance of bi-partisanship. Some say he still hasn’t made up his mind on what to push for. Is the President floundering? I don’t know, but I wish him the best of luck. He needs it. We all need it.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
J一歲時,妹妹和我每星期也會到外婆家逗她玩,帶她上公園,到便利店買「益力多」。牙牙學語的她,一見到我,便會「die die(街街)」「多多」地嚷。那時候,我經歷了一年不太開心的中學生活;她的哭笑和動靜,多少舒減了一些成長中無端的鬱悶。
記憶中,J很早便開始學講話。大約兩歲左右吧,一天早上,不知誰弄了一杯過熱的鮮奶給她;她喝了一口,非常不滿地放下杯子,然後字正腔圓地吐出一句「你想淥死囡囡咩!」,嚇了整桌人一跳。我們還以為,她仍是停留在「拉拉」「mum mum」的水平呢。
後來,謎底終於在看電視時被揭開了。原來,她在模仿 Flintstone 卡通片的片頭,對着山洞大叫「阿輝」。(阿輝者,Fred Flintstone 的中文名也)
我:......because I love you, although I am not telling you
J:why do you act like that?
我:because we are Chinese
單憑媽媽覆述的的零碎片段,我也不清楚究竟發生了甚麼事。她關了 facebook,不回電郵;到現在,我仍然未能聯絡上她。
還有,要給她說一句"I am always on your side”
Because I love you.
J一歲時,妹妹和我每星期也會到外婆家逗她玩,帶她上公園,到便利店買「益力多」。牙牙學語的她,一見到我,便會「die die(街街)」「多多」地嚷。那時候,我經歷了一年不太開心的中學生活;她的哭笑和動靜,多少舒減了一些成長中無端的鬱悶。
記憶中,J很早便開始學講話。大約兩歲左右吧,一天早上,不知誰弄了一杯過熱的鮮奶給她;她喝了一口,非常不滿地放下杯子,然後字正腔圓地吐出一句「你想淥死囡囡咩!」,嚇了整桌人一跳。我們還以為,她仍是停留在「拉拉」「mum mum」的水平呢。
後來,謎底終於在看電視時被揭開了。原來,她在模仿 Flintstone 卡通片的片頭,對着山洞大叫「阿輝」。(阿輝者,Fred Flintstone 的中文名也)
我:......because I love you, although I am not telling you
J:why do you act like that?
我:because we are Chinese
單憑媽媽覆述的的零碎片段,我也不清楚究竟發生了甚麼事。她關了 facebook,不回電郵;到現在,我仍然未能聯絡上她。
還有,要給她說一句"I am always on your side”
Because I love you.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
自《The West Wing》 結束,《Studio 60》被斬後,便再提不起興趣看電視劇。這兩年來,幾乎和電視劇絕緣。唯一的例外,是 HBO 的《Entourage》。
HBO 這個有線頻道,可說是革新了美國電視媒介。《Sex and the City》,《The Sopranos》,《Six Feet Under》等節目,令觀眾大開眼界,明白到電視劇原來可以是這樣的。
Entourage,好聽一點是隨從,文雅一點是食客,但最貼切的,該是廣東話中的「傍友」。《Entourage》中被傍的主角,是新進荷理活男星 Vincent Chase;傍着他的,是他哥哥 Drama,和兩個自小相識的好友 Eric 和 Turtle。
Mark Walberg 是《Entourage》旳監製;劇集的概念,來自他在荷理活成名的經驗。另一位主角 Ari Gold,也是真有其人。真正的 Ari Gold,是金牌經理人 Ari Emanuel,即奧巴馬白宮幕僚長 Rahm Emanuel 的弟弟。
《Entourage》另一特別之處,是很多明星客串登場,在劇中演回自己。《Titanic》 導演 James Cameron 執導虛構的特技鉅片《Aquaman》;Mandy Moore 是主角 Vincent Chase 的緋聞女友;Martin Scorsese 邀請 Vincent 演出他的新作等等,令人看得真假難分。
HBO 是收費電視,尺度比其他免費網絡寬鬆得多。《Entourage》中粗言橫飛,每隔十秒便出現一次 motherf**ker,c**ksucker 等字眼,是絕對兒童不宜的節目。(和弟弟 Ari 一樣,Rahm Emanuel 也是滿口髒話,奧巴馬便曾公開取笑他「爛口」)
可是,更兒童不宜的,是節目的意識。劇中的主角和「跟班」,只得三個人生目標:女人,大麻,和賺錢去換取女人和大麻。劇情雖然交待 Vincent Chase 除了一張漂亮面孔,也有演藝才華,Eric 也很熱心幫助好友發展電影事業;但觀眾卻只看得到他們的墮落,絕少看到他們的奮鬥。
《Entourage》並沒甚麼劇情可言,對兄弟間「義氣」的描繪也流於表面,最近數季情節更有點兒牽強沉悶。然而,看着一群敗類揮金如土,每集美女一個換一個,加上 Ari 層出不窮的創新粗話,就是有令人一集一集看下去的吸引力。正如炎炎夏日裡的一杯冰淇淋,明知是無益的垃圾食物,卻偏偏抗拒不了那種 guilty pleasure 的誘惑。
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