在林肯記念堂前,隔著水池,遠眺記念碑和國會大厦。每次在這裡,都會想起 Forrest Gump:
上次逛 National Gallery,最喜歡的是 Mary Cassatt 那個戴草帽的小女孩。這一次,因為讀了Monet 的故事,所以愛上了這幅 Lady with a Parasol。百多年前,Monet 便是站在這畫布前,迎風繪畫出妻子 Camille 和兒子 Jean 的模樣。
Renoir 這幅 Luncheon of the Boating Party,我認為是印象派中最偉大的作品。一步步向它行近時,還真有點心跳加速的緊張感:
"but I could have told you Vincent, this world is never meant for one as beautiful as you."
Arlington Cemetery,是陣亡和退役軍人的國家墓園:
剛想過馬路,警察卻突然封了整個路口。然後,這輛黑房車飛馳而過。後座一個戴眼鏡的白髮老人,看樣子,應該是 Dick Cheney:
華盛頓博物館之多,認真看的話,一個月時間也不夠。這是最新的 Newseum。
故名思義,Newseum 展覽的,是一切和 News 有關的東西。這是倒下了的世貿大厦樓頂的天線:
在華盛頓的 Holocaust Museum 中,也談到當年美國對納粹暴行不著緊,不關心的事件。如美國空軍拒絕炸毀 Auschwitz 集中營。
美國每個大城市,都有一座記念被屠殺猶太人的博物館。 每次參觀完後,也會對那段歷史多一點認識。
嘩 連'倒下了的柏林圍牆'都有一塊?!
ReplyDelete啊 你喜歡 Monet 的話,一定要來法國,去他在 Giverny 的故居,他著名的蓮花池系列,便是在那裡畫的了。 我好多年前去過一次,還是想再去,要是你去的話,我可想跟你去作伴 ;)
噯 你那條引去 '五個女孩' 書的 link 有問題...
ReplyDeleteThe best thing about the museums in DC is that, they are free!!!!!
ReplyDelete"but I could have told you Vincent, this world is never meant for one as beautiful as you."
Ha!! :P
(The sentence "猶太人的賭博物館" has an extra word."
ReplyDelete如果到法國的話,一定會去 Givency 的,可惜短期內無法實現。哈哈,有伴就最好啦,法文我只懂 bonjour, merci, oui oui!
readandeat:上一次在紐約時,不夠時間去,下次一定去看看。LA 那個也做得很好,我記得大堂展出了 Anne Frank 的字跡。
yun:是啊,Smithsonian 都是免費的,行到筋疲力盡也行不完。但其他在 The Mall 以外的博物館(如 Newseum)是收費的。
梵高好慘架,有乜咁好笑? :P
因為太眼瞓,突然唔記得博字倉頡點打;用完聯想字功能後,又唔記得 delete。咁都俾你捉到扣分,唉。
對上一次去DC已經係六年前嘅事啦. 嗰陣Newseum關閉咗(未搬前去過一次). 你就開心啦!
ReplyDeletemad dog:oh,原來 newseum 不是新的嗎?兩年前去時,見它仍在興建,還以為是新的呢。
ReplyDeleteGreat post about the must-see political landmarks in D.C.
ReplyDeleteRe: Holocaust. I've been to the Anne Frank House musuem in Amsterdam (where she and her family hid from the Nazis for years before eventually being detected and sent to Auschwitz and other concentration camps). It had a really moving exhibition about the illogic of nationalism and the horrors of ethnic cleansing globally, and not just restricted to the Jewish cause. You should make that one of your pitstops too should you decide on a European tour. (Plus Amsterdam has the fabulous Museum-Plein with great musuems - from old Dutch masters to the Impressionists to modern art - all within walking distances of each other. Van Gogh's "Starry Night" and his famous sunflower paintings can be found in the dedicated Van Gogh museum there).
p.s. Since you don't seem to mind commenters correcting typos in your post, may I add that it should be "Forrest Gump" and "Auschwitz".
snowdrops: First it's France, and now it's Amsterdam! I really want to fly across the Atlantic pond.
ReplyDeleteOf course I will visit Anne Frank House and Van Gogh's museum (and the infamous "coffee" shop, haha) when in Ams.
I must be sleeping when posting this blog! Actually, I caught the "Auschwitz" misspelling yesterday, but was kind of thinking "who would notice?" You are really good!
MOst Chinese in the DC Metro area don't live in downtown - many of them are settled at suburban Maryland or Northern Virginia. And guess what, the Starbucks over there was once called, for a very short time, as "精品咖啡店" - go figure.
ReplyDeleteThere're a few stores in Adams Morgan where you can find old stuff like records, books, postcards, etc. Or if you're interested in African American heritage, walk along the U street in Northwest. Jazz clubs, Ben's Chili... Mt Vernon in Alexandria, Gerorgetown, King Street, ... too much... :P
BTW, Newseum was located in Virginia (Rosslyn). Closed for four (?) years while construction was in progress.
annonymous : that 精品咖啡屋 Starbucks is kind of cute. I took a picture of it too.
ReplyDeleteI only had a quick walkthrough in Adams Morgan (spent too much time in Dupont Circle). Georgetown was nice too, but I found it quite “yuppitized”, if you know what I mean. Really really wanted to visit Alexandria but didn’t. Maybe next time.