
Sarah Palin 的出現,是美國總統競選的一股颶風。短短五天之內,佩林由一個99%的美國人都不認識的州長,搖身一變,成為全國人民爭相討論的政治新星。
除性別外,佩林最受人注目的,是她的經驗(or lack therefore)。她當阿拉斯加州州長不足兩年,之前是一個人口數千的小鎮「市長」。據報導,她一生人只在去年出過一次國。奧巴馬陣營的口徑是,不能把佩林放在「離總統職權只一個心跳」的位置(a heartbeat away from Presidency,不得不讚政客想出來的刁鑽口號)。這樣的政壇「輕量級」適不適合當副總統?中間派的選民,是會有點猶豫的。
而佩林的背景和家庭也太多姿多彩了。一時之間,真真假假的傳聞和謠言四竄。有說她以州長權力開除妹妹的前夫。有說她丈夫是鼓吹阿拉斯加獨立的極端組織的成員。最天方夜譚的,是說她早前一直在假扮懷孕,四月出生的兒子,其實是她大女兒所生的!完全是從 Desperate Housewives 搬出來的情節。
這是個 blog 和 youtube 當道,人人都是記者的年代。這樣把一個寂寂無名的政客推上最高的政治舞台,過敏的反應,實在是意料中事。
最高興的,必然是 David Letterman,Jay Leno,Jon Stewart,Stephen Colbert 這班靠笑話為生的主持人。麥凱恩的太太向記者說,阿拉斯加是美國最接近俄國的州份,所以佩林擁有外交經驗。 Stewart 便說,阿拉斯加也很接近北極,佩林一定是聖誕老人的朋友。Colbert 則說,阿拉斯加的 Mount McKinley 是全美最接近太空的山峰,所以佩林有豐富的太空政策經驗云云。
ReplyDeleteOrangutan之前用Hail Mary pass來形容麥凱恩之起用佩林,可圈可點。視乎發言者的取態,Hail Mary pass可以視為:絕地反擊、奮力反撲、垂死一擊,以至生果報式的死雞撐一撐。雖奥巴馬氣勢如雄,但麥凱恩之民調一向並無大幅落後,我認為用奮力反撲較合。Orangutan現在認為共和黨這冒險的一著,可謂出師不利;我又覺得未輸得晒。
Did you listen to her speech last night? I actually thought she did really well. I'm especially impressed by the way she handled her family problems.
ReplyDeleteIf we are only talking about impression here, I like her more than Hillary. :P
Hail Mary 的定義,是最後機會,絕無下次。McCain 在平均支持率上無大幅落後,但national percentage 在美國總統大選是無意義的。在各州的民調中,Obama 己經很接近270張選舉人票(可看 www.pollster.com),只要再贏一個 battle ground state 便能勝出。餘下的兩個月,候選人時間越來越少,McCain 錢和動員力都不及 Obama,循正路根本沒法攻破他,才會走 Palin 這一險著。所以,我想是接近「絕地反擊」多些:未輸得晒,但係己經好難贏,而且越來越難。
你說美國人保守,我完全認同,不過也不是全部的美國人。沒錯,白人仍佔美國三分二人口,一個選民介意 Obama 膚色的話,投票給自由黨的機會可說是微乎其微。但隨人口結構變化,人民變得更加開明,頑固的保守主義者只會越來越少。這次選舉是一個 inflection point,Obama 能贏的話,以後自由黨便不用再那麼避諱極右的保守派。
我不是奧巴馬擁護者,也覺得他經驗不足,但你說他沒過人之處,我就不能同意。數千萬美國人不是傻的,奧巴馬真的是一個不同的政客。看他的訪問,除了口才和反應外,更重要的,是能讓人感到他在思考,不是在背誦 talking point,這在美國是很難得的。
奧巴馬給我的感覺,是雖然他骨子裡是個很 proud 的人,但處事沉著,也能聽取別人意見。就如一個能和學生說笑,討論,但對課程要求嚴格的大學教授,可能就是你說的「學院化」了。
Palin 的負面新聞,是很小兒科。問題是沒有人知道她的底細,因此她令人好奇的,全是八八卦卦的小道消息。這當然也是 McCain 陣營的計謀:只要人人都在討論她一家,伊拉克,醫療,外交,油價,信貸危機等等問題便全部不是問題了。加上 Palin 保守的立場,看樣子這次爭論的,將又會是那些能煽動群眾,但和國情完全無關的Gun/ Gay/ God/ Baby 等所謂文化衝突。
另一點我不明白的,是為甚麼不論左右,美國人都那麼強調要一個有血有淚,背景和你和我一樣的領袖?共和黨常常嘲笑自由黨人是 ivy league intellectual ,是 east coast elite;民主黨人不滿 McCain 記不清自己有多少間屋(雖然係幾好笑),都是沒邏輯的。這幾天有人說 Palin 是五個孩子的媽媽,是個 hockey mom,她能自食其力…所以會是個好的副總統云云,我聽了,真是欲哭無淚。
yun: ugh-oh, we have a swing voter here!
I think Palin is a good speech deliverer, but the speech itself was too mocking and sarcastic, I am not sure how GOP can attract more centrists with such cynicism. Anyway, you still have two months, so choose wisely!
Learned a lesson. Let's wait and see. 佩林jia you.
ReplyDeletemum:can't share your enthusiasm on Palin, hehe.
Now the campaign is going to lock her up in Alaska this week for a crash course. Then they plan to avoid all “unfriendly” media until the election is over. Not a word about her political agenda yet, but we have heard so much about “hockey mom”, “tough”, “small town value”, “maverick”... The more I read about this ticket, the less sense it makes (to the country).
Heh, just had time to read the long comments here. I'm quite new to politics, I think I can almost hear myself to go with the democrats, but I think it would be good to hear from both sides and not to jump to conclusions too soon. So I'm open to hear anything that they have to say.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I want to point out is that, listening to the GOP convention, though I'm totally not into those "war hero" thingy, but listening to many people talking about McCain's capture in Vietnam, I must say, I was moved by the story at one point!!! So just imagine what that can do to others!! And, knowing that why he couldn't raise his arms above his shoulders, now every time I saw photo of him not able to do that, I totally have a different feeling of him. I thought that was very interesting!!
I guess, people's perception can be easily persuaded by sentiments. That's why both camps are heavily emphasize on how people can relate to the candidates.
>> 另一點我不明白的,是為甚麼不論左右,美國人都那麼強調要一個有血有淚,背景和你和我一樣的領袖?... 她能自食其力…所以會是個好的副總統云云,我聽了,真是欲哭無淚。
well, I have always thought that, most people in this world have little (if not zero) logic. :P
(Why don't you write a post to persuade me?! Hehe!) (I honestly have not too much ideas about both candidates' pros and cons.)
yun: I think you are a true swing voter. Yes, McCain is a war hero, and he's terribly debilitated, but is it really relevant to the Presidency?
ReplyDelete"Why don't you write a post to persuade me?":我只聽過點唱,冇聽過點 blog 喎!let me think about it, hehe.
> McCain is a war hero, and he's terribly debilitated, but is it really relevant to the Presidency?
ReplyDeleteWell, to me it isn't, but I'm sure it will be appealing to many people. But I will say this, before listening to the GOP convention, I didn't think "experience" was that important, but afterward, I did see the difference of experience between the two candidates. For that, for the first time, I really thought about if Obama is experienced enough.
The other point I saw this "war hero" theory wanted to convey is that, because MaCain went through hell in Vietnam, he won't be going to war without a legitimate reason, because he would be the last person who wanted to go to war. If he does, that's because he must. (Okay, something like that.) Not that I'm buying this theory, but I can see how it can get to people's mind.
I think because you have already had your mind set, so anything from the Republican's side may annoy you a bit. But as an independent voter, I try to be as objective as I can before I made a decision. (And I try to look at the facts rather than their tactics.)
Yes, I'm a true swing voter. Anything is possible! :P
ReplyDeleteAbout Obama’s experience : I supported Clinton because of her experience. I still think Obama’s resume is impressive but short. He could’ve waited another 4 or 8 years, but he seized this opportunity and now is this close. It shows his ambition. It also shows his good judgement.
Compared to Palin, Obama’s resume is far superior (community work, Havard Law School magna cum laude, 12 years law professor, 8 years state Senator, 4 years US Senator). Don’t forget he has survived 20+ national debates, brutal media scrutiny, and endless interviews. Obama has organized an extremely successful campaign and defeated the most formidable opponent. Of course his experience is still a concern, but I think he has proven his qualification. Ultimately, America people will have to make their choice.
I know I’m biased. Some Republicans really annoy me, but I like McCain. He’s probably the most fair-minded politician in the Republican Party, although this VP pick is a big disappointment. However, presidential race is not a “back story” contest, nor a likability test. I just believe the other side has better vision and better ideas.
yun,orangutan:多口插句,mccain不是當年其中一個投iraq war贊成票的嗎?還有,mccain曾經在共和黨當中有如一股清流,可惜已不復再。
ReplyDeleteshiren:沒錯 McCain 是主戰派,但當年有七十七名參議員投贊成票,民主黨也是過半數投贊成票。
ReplyDeleteMcCain 是變了,是選舉令他改變了原則。我認為,他根本不想選 Palin,是他身邊的智囊迫他出此下策。
是,hillary clinton與joe liberman 都是投贊成票。近年mccain為了黨內的信心票compromise得厲害,堅持多時的信念,來個180度大轉變。這campaign team這年的campaign越搞越渦,低招,以前的mccain去了那裡?政治這條不歸路,來個急劇而轉,不歸就不歸啦。視死如歸乎。